Energy Institute members take part in the Project titled "Empowering Persons with Disabilities through Effective Disaster Management (EMPOWER)" as a partner and Project titled “Re-Vet European Training Curriculum For Restoration Workers (RE-VET)” as Project Coordinator with Scope of the ITU Erasmus+ Program Adult Education Strategic Partnerships (KA204) activity.
In the EMPOWER project, natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, fire and pandemic will be emphasized as an emergency risk. The Project aims to empower the vulnerable groups such as elder, disabilities with the effective disaster management. Give raising awareness of persons with disabilities and their caregivers about increased disaster risks and gain better preparedness to individuals and their caregivers for natural disasters through accessible educational content and accessible learning materials on the learning materials portal. Project team Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özgür Kayalica, Prof. Dr. Üner Colak, Asst. Prof. Dr. Member Mustafa Berker Yurtseven, Dr. Ebru Acuner Türet and Res. Asst. Denizhan Güven.
The RE-VET project aims to provide training opportunities to develop the competencies of artisans in the fields of conservation / restoration through an online platform. The training will be planned as a European Curriculum to contribute to the transparency of skills and qualifications. The Online Skills Platform to be developed by this project will provide an opportunity to the person directly interested in developing their skills through the innovative, sustainable and targeted application and updating of specific skills. Personal skills will be supported through this platform where training contents will be developed in line with the demand in the labor market. In the project team, Prof.Dr. Mehmet Ozgur Kayalica, Prof.Dr. Yildiz Salman, Prof.Dr. Yegan Kâhya Sayar, Dr. Instructor Member Gülsün Tanyeli, Dr. Instructor Member Mustafa Berker Yurtseven, Dr. Ebru Acuner Türet and Res. See. Denizhan Güven are located in.