Laboratory: About, Vision and Mission
Material Production and Preparation Laboratory-B, mainly focuces on electricity production from solar energy and also studies on energy storage technologies. In our laboratory, prototype cells are prepared with innovative and organic/inorganic hybrid materials which is suitable for use in solar cells and Li-battery technologies. Also, device testing is performed after morphology/material optimization.
Polysilicon solar cells (Mo/CZTS/CdS/ZnO/Al:ZnO/Al and Al/n-Si/p-CZTS/Au) with the power conversion effeciency of 1-3% are produced in our laboratory. In addition to increasing active area and efficiency, stoichiometry control during CZTS synthesis, homogeneity and morphology control of the thin films are among our short term targets. In perovskite solar cells, it is aimed to reach a cell efficiency of 20% by developing a hole transport layer with high thermal and chemical resistance.
Moreover, in our recent studies, where Si/polymer blends are used as anodes in Li-ion battery technologies, alternative material concepts are developed and cell values such as energy density, capacity changes, life cycle are tested. Our infrastructure preparations for electrochemical studies are continuing. Our goal is to correlate cell values with electrochemical and morphological changes.
Laboratory Facilities
- Spin and spray coating
- IPCE (incident photon-to-electron conversion) monochromatic, 250-740 nm, nitrogen or air ambient
- Keithley 2400 SourceMeter
- Hot plate
- Ultrasonic bath
Laboratory Researches
1. Solar Cell Production (CZTS, organic, organic-inorganic hybrid)
Absorber synthesis
- Thin film preparation
- Anode / Cathode metal evaporation
2. Solar cell current / voltage characterization (inert medium / AM 1.5) and solar cell efficiency measurements
3. Material production for use in Li-Ion batteries
4. Electrochemical analysis (in preparation)
Laboratory Projects
Status (completed / continuing)
End date
Share / Number of Partners
360.000 TL
Investigation of Carbon Nanotubes as a Transparent Electrode in Organic Solar Cells / Completed
~103.000 TL
113M940/ TÜBİTAK1003-TR
Development of High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells Functionalized with Carbon Nanotubes / Completed
~300.000 TL
Cu:Zn:Sn:S Solar Cells/
~650.000 TL
Investigation of the use of carbon nanotubes as a transparent electrode in organic solar cells
55.000 TL
Investigation of the use of molybdenum oxide as a hole transport layer in organic solar cells (Project No:39012)"
50.000 TL
Laboratory Achievements (Thesis, Products, Methods)
Master of Science Thesis:
- Osman Ürper “Tek Duvarlı Karbon Nanotüplerin Organik Güneş Pillerinde Elektrot Malzemesi Olarak Kullanılması” 2014.
- Mojghan Laki “An experimental investigation of high purity single walled carbon nanotubes” Haziran 2015
- Rıdvan Erğun “Synthesis and Formation of Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide/Selenide CZT (S,Se) Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications” Haziran 2015
- Fatma Çolak “Fabrication of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Conductive Thin Films” Kasım 2015.
- Yunus Emre Boya “Copper Zinc Tin Sulfite CZT(S,Se) for Solar Cell Applications” Haziran 2017
- Gökçen Gökçeli “ Preparation of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films and Investigation of Hydrogen Post-Treatment Effect” Haziran 2018
- Gökçen Gökçeli “Geçirgen ve İletken Elektrot Olarak Karbon Nanotüp Katkılı İndiyum Kalay Oksit İnce Filmlerin Geliştirilmesi”Haziran 2018
Laboratory Publications
- 1. G. Gökçeli, N. Karatepe, Investigation of hydrogen post-treatment effect on surface and optoelectronic properties of indium tin oxide thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 851 (2021) 156861. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.156861
- 2. Z. Dalkılıç, C. B. Lee, H. Choi, I. Nar, N. Karatepe, A. Kalkan Burat,Tetra and octa substituted Zn(II) and Cu(II) phthalocyanines: Synthesis, characterization and investigation as hole-transporting materials for inverted type-perovskite solar cells, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 922 (2020) 121419. DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2020.121419
- 3. G. Gökçeli, N. Karatepe, Improving the properties of indium tin oxide thin films by the incorporation of carbon nanotubes with solution-based techniques, Thin Solif Films 697 (2020) 137844. DOI:10.1016/j.tsf.2020.137844
- 4. M. Abbas, A. Pivrikas, E. Arici, N. Tekin, M. Ullah, H. Sitter, N. S. Sariciftci. Temperature dependent charge transport in organic field-effect transistors with the variation of both carrier concentration and electrical field. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013). 495105. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/49/495105
- 5. R. Ergun, C. Callı, E. Arici. Synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4/Se4 nanoparticle inks for photovoltaic devices. Phys. Status Solidi C 12, No. 9–11, 1236–1240 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/pssc.201510066
- 6. E. Arici, S. Karazhanov. Carbon nanotubes for organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 41 (2016) 137–149. DOI:10.1016/j.mssp.2015.07.086
- 7. F. Çolak , Z. Dalkılıç , A. Tabatabaei , R. Atlıbatur , Ü. Çolak , E. Arıcı and N. Karatepe. MoOx Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films as Hole Transport Layer for Organic Solar Cells. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Vol. 131, No. 3, 474-476 (2017). DOI:10.12693/APhysPolA.131.474
- 8. O. Urper, İ. Çakmak, N. Karatepe. Fabrication of carbon nanotube transparent conductive films by vacuum filtration method. Materials Letters (2018), 223, 210-214.
Book Chapter:
- 9. H. Karaagac, E. Peksu, E. Arici, M. S. Islam. One-Dimensional Nanostructured Solar Cells. Chapter 15 of Low-Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials and Devices, NanoScience and Technology edited by H. Ünlü, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2016) DOI: 101.1007/978-3-319-25340-4_15.
- 10. O. Ürper, N. Yavuz-Karatepe, E. Arici. Carbon Nanotubes as Transparent Electrodes for Organic Solar Cells. E-MRS 2014, Lillie, France 26-30. 06.2014 (Poster Presentation)
- 11. O. Ürper, N. Yavuz-Karatepe, E. Arici. Application of Carbon Nanotubes as Electrodes for Solar Cells. International Conference on Solar Energy For World Peace, Istanbul-Turkey 17-19.08.2013 (Poster Presentation)
- 12. M. Laki, A. Tabatabai, Ü. Çolak, N. Karatepe Yavuz, E. Arici. High Purity Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Transparent Electrode Materials. SolarTR-3, Third Turkish Solar Electricity and Exhibition Conference, Ankara, Turkey 27-30. 04.2015 (Oral Presentation)
- 13. R. Ergun, C. Callı, E. Arici. Thin Film Preparation and Characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4/Se4 for Photovoltaic Applications. 11th. International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Münih, Germany. 22-26.06.2015 (Oral Presentation)
- 14. E. Arici, R. Ergun, H. Karaagac, S. Karazhanov and A. Subrahmanyan. Comparison of the CZTS material properties and defects in theory and in dependence of synthesis methods. International Conference of Nanomaterials in Frontier Applications, ICNFA, 2015, Coimbature, India. 02-04.12.2015 (Invited Speaker)
- 15. E. Arici. Solar Energy Materials’ “ Globale Wende im Energiesystem und die Türkei. Seminar organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Deutsch-Türkische Industrie- u. Handelskammer and TADEV, Istanbul-Turkey 21.01.2016 (Panelist)
- 16. A. Tabatabaei Mohseni, F. Colak, R. Atlibatur, M. Laki, U. Colak, N. Karatepe-Yavuz, E. Arici. Development of Carbon Nanotube-Based Organic Solar Cells. Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academic-Industry Meeting, UCLan, Preston, UK.12.06.2016 (Oral Presentation)
- 17. R. Atlıbatur, F. Çolak, Z. Dalkılıç, A. Tabatabaei Mohseni, Ü. Çolak, E. Arıcı, N. Karatepe ‘MoOx Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films as Hole Transport Layer for Organic Solar Cells’ 6th APMAS, ISTANBUL-TR 29-31. 03.2016 (Oral Presentation)
- 18. Y.E. Boya, S. Karazhanov, E. Arici. CZTS/n-nano Si and CZTS/n-CdS heterojunctions. ISCM 2016, Ghuangzhaou-China. 26.06-01.07.2016 (Poster Presentation)
- 19. Y. E. Boya, R. Ergun, E. Arici. Kesterite growth and its relation to solar cell performance. SOLARTR Conference & Exhibition, Turkey. 06.12-08.12.2016 (Oral Presentation)
- 20. E.S. Uygur, E. Peksu, H. Karaagac, E. Arici. Solution Processable CZTS Solar Cells. BALEWARE conference 11-13 December 2016 at NM-AIST in Arusha, Tanzania. 12.11.2016 (Oral Presentation)