Group Members
İTÜ Energy Institute
Burak Barutçu, Assist. Prof. Dr. (Head of the Group)
Önder Güler, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
İTÜ Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Selahattin İncecik, Prof. Dr.
Ş. Sibel Menteş, Prof. Dr.
Yurdanur Ünal, Prof. Dr.
İTÜ Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Özgür Üstün, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
İTÜ Civil Engineering
Ercan Yüksel, Prof. Dr.
İTÜ Mechanical Engineering
Murat Çakan, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Main Research Interests
Determination of Energy Production Potential
Wind Power Forecasting
System Integration
Plant Wide Condition Monitoring & Incipient Failure Detection
Prediction of Failure
Sensor Fault Detection
Structural Vibration Analysis
Analysis of Structure Foundation
Mission of WERG
The main aim of Wind Energy Research Group is to play a pioneer role in Turkey in the field of wind energy by performing both scientific researches and R&D studies. To reach this aim, besides Energy Institute, faculty members from the faculties of Aeronautics nad Astronautics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering work together in WERG. In addition to academical studies with the collaboration of wind energy sector, R&D studies are performed. In this context, "Small Scale Wind Turbine Test and Research Laboratory" was established.
WERG studies on micrositing, capacity determination, prediction of energy potential. It also works on projects such as plant wide condition monitoring and incipient failure detection to increase production efficiency. Other research interests of the group are, analysis of structural vibration and structure foundation.